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Neurological Disease Rehabilitation

Various neurological disease create movement disorders that require a team approach to maximize a person’s quality of life. These diseases affects many areas of the brain and symptoms can vary greatly in individuals. At Pain & Movement Solutions, we seek to provide a comprehensive, patient-centered care that is evidence-based and collaborative with the individual, family, healthcare team and community to optimize patient-specific and family goals.

Neuro Rehab Services Provided:

  • Evidence-based outcome tools to track, progress and monitor changes throughout the lifespan for stage-specific goals
  • PWR!Moves – individualized intensive, whole-body, amplitude-based training
  • Fall prevention & balance training
  • High-intensity therapeutic exercise that includes strengthening, flexibility and aerobic conditioning
  • Coordination, agility and power training
  • Postural awareness training
  • Dual tasking & cued strategy training
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Manual therapy to joints & muscles for neuromuscular retraining
  • Functional Dry Needling
  • Instrumented soft-tissue mobilization
  • Community collaboration and exercise groups

Who will benefit?

Physical therapy can help people maximize their quality of life and minimize their risk for falls, at any stage of the disease. Working with a physical therapist that utilizes evidence-based treatment and measurement tools to track changes is essential to moving towards maximum functions.

Commonly Treated Disorders:

  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Stroke (CVA)
  • Huntington’s Disease 
  • Inclusion Body Myositis
  • and others

Let our doctors of physical therapy help you find your SOLUTION today.